
By Radar Sydney
September 23, 2013 - 12:41

For those of you 'idea's my middle name' people that annually suffer from a TEDX conference comedown (or even those that have difficulty finding the smallest amount of creative inspiration before walking through the doors of work each morning) - fear no more.


A new site has been developed to act as an ongoing and accessible digital hub for the creative community. It features online seminars, talks and as the name suggests, breakfast recipes to stir your creative juices right up!

My favourite site attraction however is the 'Quotes' page.

A mixture of quotes from Creatives spanning across the globe, from Warsaw to Washington DC, on advertising, marketing, design, creation and life.

Check it out, http://creativemornings.com

"Design is the structured management of creative or intuitive thinking."

- Oooo. Thank you Paddy Harrington from Toronto, for that special pearl of wisdom.